Survivors of Suicide
Albuquerque, NM
From grief to growth, from sorrow to strength.

While we don't own a copy of every book written about suicide and grief, SOS does maintain a library of books dealing with various aspects of suicide which members may borrow. Some of these books have been written by present and former members. Please feel free to look through and borrow our materials. This literature is available at our monthly meetings.
Internet Resources
We encourage you to visit these websites for additional information.
Addiction Support-
AGORA - a free and confidential listening service. 505-277-3013, 1-866-HELP-1-NM (866-435-7166)
Contact: ​
American Association of Suicidology
AAS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the understanding and prevention of suicide. This site is designed as a resource for anyone concerned about suicide, including AAS members, suicide researchers, therapists, prevention specialists, Survivors of Suicide, and people who are themselves in crisis. You will also find a National Directory of Support Groups for Survivors of Suicide on this site.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
AFSP was founded in 1987 by concerned scientists, business and community leaders, and Survivors of Suicide Loss in an effort to support the research and education needed to prevent suicide. This organization also offers educational programs and conferences for survivors, mental health professionals, physicians, and the public. This site contains a section dedicated to survivor support as well as a 1998 National Directory of Survivor Support Groups for families and friends of suicide.
An online forum and place of healing and remembrance for suicide loss survivors.
Breaking the Silence NM- offers a stigma-busting curriculum for upper elementary, middle, and high school students, which focuses on mental illness and suicide awareness.​
Friends For Survival- Friends For Survival, Inc. is an organization of people who have been affected by a death caused by suicide. We are dedicated to providing a variety of peer support services that comfort those in grief, encourage healing and growth, foster the development of skills to cope with a loss, and educate the entire community regarding the importance of suicide awareness.​
​ David Kessler- Help for grief because love never dies.
Learning About Loss- Hard answers to deep questions about loss. Send in your questions to get a personal response.
NMCAL - New Mexico Crisis and Access Line - 1-855-NMCRISIS (1-855-662-7474)
The Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network (SPAN) is a grass-roots, nonprofit organization dedicated to the creation of an effective national suicide prevention strategy. SPAN links the energy of those bereaved by suicide with the expertise of leaders in science, business, government, and public service to achieve the goal of significantly reducing the national rate of suicide.
Self-Injury Outreach and Support - support for those who self-injure.
Student Suicide and Depression Guidebook - This site has awareness and prevention information as well as some basic facts and information.
Speaking of Suicide -a great list of resources to help people find a means for help from many different organizations out there that exist to help provide hope and encouragement to people who are really struggling
Suicide Awareness \ Voices of Education
The mission of SA\VE is to educate about suicide and to speak for suicide survivors and to help those who have lost a loved one to suicide resolve their grief and pain in their own personal way.​
Suicide: Finding Hope
A helpful website with articles and information on subjects that affect survivors of suicide loss. Survivors are encouraged to post comments on all the pages.
Surviving Suicide
A Web Site For Healing After The Loss Of A Loved One By Suicide
Personal stories about the stigma of suicide.
…The grief that comes with suicide is unique. Remember that grief is like snowflakes or fingerprints. It is different for everyone. Choose the suggestions that may be helpful to you.
The Compassionate Friends
“The Compassionate Friends is an international self-help support organization that offers friendship, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. There is no religious affiliation and there are no membership dues or fees. The mission of The Compassionate Friends is to assist families toward the positive resolution of grief following the death of a child of any age and to provide information to help others be supportive.- from The Compassionate Friends website.” Facebook group: TCF Loss of a Child
The Grief Center- Based in Albuquerque, the Grief Center offers grief support for children and adults who have lost loved ones no matter the manner of death. Meets during the school year with special events throughout the year.
The Life I Didn't Choose- a blog with short readings about child loss from a faith perspective.
What's Your Grief? A website chockful of helpful articles and support.
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
The Light for Life Foundation Int’l/Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program® is dedicated to preventing suicide and attempts by Making Suicide Prevention Accessible to Everyone and Removing Barriers to Help by empowering individuals and communities through leadership, awareness, and education; and by collaborating and partnering with support networks to reduce stigma and help save lives.
Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention: A Guide for Educators, Students, and Parents
This comprehensive resource contains the most up-to-date information to help people recognize the warning signs and take steps to prevent suicide in young people. It covers indicators to look out for, how to help others, what to do if feeling suicidal oneself, and more
Suicide Statistics
Suicide attempts are nearly two times higher among Black and Hispanic youth than White youth. ( CDC 2014)
1 out of 6 students nationwide (grades 9-12) seriously considered suicide in the past year. (CDC 2014, NM Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey )
A large percentage of people who die by suicide had a diagnosable mental illness, often unrecognized, untreated, or improperly treated. (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, American Association for Suicidology)
Stigma is often cited as the #1 reason people don’t seek help for depression and other mental disorders. (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
New Mexico has the 4th highest suicide rate in America with 23.6 suicides per 100,000 people.
Updated on Feb. 23, 2023. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people age 15 to 24 in the U.S. Nearly 20% of high school students report serious thoughts of suicide and 9% have made an attempt to take their lives, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.